Needless to say, to prevent further conflict with the management, the band loaded it's equipment and several family members left. Our group had elders and veterans who had free park passes and we had not yet used all 10 of our park passes. The shelter rental was also to include 10 free park fees. We rejoined our reunion, only to have the park ranger show up concerning not only the payment for the extra $50, but also park fees. We stated all we needed to see was something in writing that this was the policy which should be expected in a government organization. The worker said she would have the park manager phone us. We asked to see where this existed in their written policy prior to our payment as this was not the case in the past years. Nothing on the form mentioned the $50 extra fee. We were presented a form to sign (after the shelter fee had already been paid) that had a liability clause with the word 'band' hand written in by the worker. When the band set up this year we were informed by park person that we had to pay an additional $50 for this purpose. We always had a small band who played in the rented space. Rented picnic shelter for a family reunion three years in a row.